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ShenKuo Scientific Research Vessel

For ShenKuo, the vessel is operated and managed by China Company. ShenKuo Vessel is a comprehensive research vessel for the demand of deep sea ocean science research with multi-disciplines, multi-functions and multi-measures all-in-one. The vessel is able to carry out survey, exploration, sampling, on-site analysis works for various ocean environments such as offshore and ocean dynamic environment, geological environment, ecological environment and deep sea extreme environment. The vessel is an important ocean test platform and mobile laboratory for the basic science research and high-tech R&D in the field of oceanology.

ShenKuo has Loa of 63m, moulded width of 23m, moulded depth of 9.4m, total tonnage of 2194, cruising ability of10,000 nautical miles, and personnel of 60.

ShenKuo is small water-Plane-Area Twin Hull(SWATH) vessel .The two hulls of the swath ship are built so as to offer the maximum amount of balance or buoyancy to the ship. The placement of the hull is such that it rests under the water surface, making it safer and easier for the ship to sail when high tides and fast currents hit with full force. Along with the factor of buoyancy, a swath vessel is also known for its speed. Another feature and advantage of a swath vessel over the traditional ships is that it offers a bigger and wider area than the conventional types of ships.